The story of Salvatore Esman’s on-the-job training in High Probability Selling is obviously fictitious.  However, it does mirror the learning experience of many people who are now using this new sales process.  A conversational format was chosen as an entertaining way to introduce the reader to entirely new and radical concepts about selling.  This book gives you as sense of how and why High Probability Selling works.

There was no particular reason for selecting the packaging industry as the setting for the story.  High Probability Selling applies to virtually every product or service.

This is not intended to be a how-to book or an all-inclusive text.  It is not likely you will become proficient in High Probability Selling merely by reading about it. However, there are people who do.  They read it frequently.  Learning High Probability Selling usually requires many hours of rigorous interactive training and a desire to enjoy your work and be very good at what you do.

High Probability Selling is not just for people who sell.  The principles apply to anyone whose job deals with a product or service – including lawyers, real estate agents, consultants and entrepreneurs.

Whenever possible, the word salesperson or salespeople is used instead of using a specific gender.  Where that word seemed awkward, the male pronoun was used.  In those situations, for economy purposes alone, the word “he” appears as a substitute for “he/she”.