High Probability Selling — HPS

A simple alternative to the usual way of selling

Essence of High Probability Selling
HPS Training Workshop

Introduction to the Concepts and Process of High Probability Selling

Who It's For:

  • People who have completed training in HPS anytime after 1990,

What You Get:

  • What has changed in HPS over the years
  • Selling Strategy:  The meaning and purpose of selling
  • The Mindset:  Beliefs, habits, attitudes, language
  • Overview of a complete HPS sale, with an outline of the overall HPS process
  • The HPS Way of Being

How We Teach:

  • Two interactive sessions with live instructors on Zoom (recorded)
  • Exercises to do between sessions
  • Taught by Paul Bunn and Carl Ingalls (with over 50 years of combined experience with HPS, in both sales and non-sales roles)

Price:  $297 USD per person
Purchase:  click here

Schedule for upcoming courses.  Or, contact us.