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    Tape Your Prospecting Calls
    By Jacques Werth, President High Probability® Selling

    Do you sound like the "typical salesperson" when you call prospects and customers?

    If the tone of your conversation is excited, friendly, charming and deferential — typically "sales-y" — you're probably arousing suspicion and creating sales resistance. Selling into that resistance is very difficult.

    Discover how you come across on the telephone by taping all of your calls for two days. When you play the tapes back, you may be amazed at how different you sound when you're talking to prospects and customers than when you're talking to friends, colleagues and suppliers.

    Recording phone conversations is a requirement of High Probability sales training programs. It's not necessary to use a telephone mike to record both sides of the conversation. Thus, you won't be in violation of any laws.

    Record your calls. Do you convey trustworthiness? In our next Sales Tip, we'll discuss speaking styles and attitudes that can considerably increase your sales productivity.





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